Two Moors Way

Two Moors Way

Cross Devon on a coast to coast walking holiday through Dartmoor and Exmoor.

4 to 13 nights
45-114 miles
Moderate to Demanding / Strenuous

From £495 per person

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About the trail

The Two Moors Way is a walk of stunning contrasts. From the sandy beach of Wembury Bay, it combines the wild heather uplands of Dartmoor with the steep-sided river valleys and ancient oak woodlands of Exmoor. Together, these pathways through distinct landscapes form the Devon Coast to Coast, one of England’s most beautiful country-crossing routes.

Expect desolate, granite-pocked heathland in Dartmoor, and peaceful, oak-clad hillsides in Exmoor. A wealth of scattered farmsteads and sleepy villages of cob and thatched cottages dot the countryside, culminating in the lovely little harbour at Lynmouth.

We offer multiple holiday options along this trail. If you wish to experience the entire trail, simply select the first option from the list below.

Choose your route

  • Two Moors Way
  • Two Moors Way - Dartmoor Section
  • Two Moors Way - Exmoor Section

About this route

8 to 13 nights
114 miles
Moderate to Demanding / Strenuous
2nd January to 24th December

From £980 per person

Two Moors Way

Two Moors Way is a walk of stunning contrasts. From the sandy beach of Wembury Bay, it combines the wild heather uplands of Dartmoor with the steep-sided river valleys and ancient oak woodlands of Exmoor. Together, these pathways through distinct landscapes form the Devon Coast to Coast, one of England’s most beautiful country-crossing routes.

Expect desolate, granite-pocked heathland in Dartmoor, and peaceful, oak-clad hillsides in Exmoor. A wealth of scattered farmsteads and sleepy villages of cob and thatched cottages dot the countryside, culminating in the lovely little harbour at Lynmouth.

Available tours

Code Tour Duration Difficulty Price per person
DCC0 From Wembury(L) to Lynmouth 8 nights, 7 days walking Demanding / Strenuous £980
DCC1 From Wembury(L) to Lynmouth 9 nights, 8 days walking Demanding £1100
DCC2 From Wembury(L) to Lynmouth 11 nights, 10 days walking Moderate / Demanding £1345
DCC3 From Wembury(L) to Lynmouth 12 nights, 11 days walking Moderate / Demanding £1460
DCC4 From Wembury(L) to Lynmouth 13 nights, 12 days walking Moderate £1585
"Hawkridge" by Paul Copsey (2024) "Hawkridge" by Paul Copsey (2024)
"Near Witheridge" by Richard Moon (2022) "Near Witheridge" by Richard Moon (2022)
"Close Encounter of the Herd Kind" by Richard Moon (2022) "Close Encounter of the Herd Kind" by Richard Moon (2022)
"Along the Trail" by Liz Owsley (2021) "Along the Trail" by Liz Owsley (2021)
"Us on the Trail" by Liz Owsley (2021) "Us on the Trail" by Liz Owsley (2021)
"River Barle" by Patricia Cressey (2020) "River Barle" by Patricia Cressey (2020)
"Me and my Son at Tarr Steps" by Patricia Cressey (2020) "Me and my Son at Tarr Steps" by Patricia Cressey (2020)
"Clapper Bridge across the River Avon" by Patricia Cressey (2020) "Clapper Bridge across the River Avon" by Patricia Cressey (2020)
"Lichen-covered Signpost" by Patricia Cressey (2020) "Lichen-covered Signpost" by Patricia Cressey (2020)
"Alpacas between Holne and Widecombe-in-the-Moor" by Patricia Cressey (2020) "Alpacas between Holne and Widecombe-in-the-Moor" by Patricia Cressey (2020)
"Hunter's Tor" by Patricia Cressey (2020) "Hunter's Tor" by Patricia Cressey (2020)
"St Peters Church Knowstone" by Dagmara Ginter (2019) "St Peters Church Knowstone" by Dagmara Ginter (2019)
"Heather on Dr Blackalls Drive" by Dagmara Ginter (2019) "Heather on Dr Blackalls Drive" by Dagmara Ginter (2019)
"Dartmoor Ponies on Hameldown Beacon" by Dagmara Ginter (2019) "Dartmoor Ponies on Hameldown Beacon" by Dagmara Ginter (2019)
"A Cow near Scoriton" by Robert Kent (2017) "A Cow near Scoriton" by Robert Kent (2017)

Customer reviews from the Two Moors Way

“Contours arrangements worked well. Very satisfactory.”
Mr Guthrie, Australia
“Great holiday, really enjoyable. Lovely views, beautiful spring flowers and trees. Met lots of interesting people and stayed in lovely accommodation. Holiday very well organised, including luggage and taxi transfers. Everyday is different, all lovely in their own way.”
Mr Chaplin, UK
“While Challenging - it was a fantastic way to see the country.”
Mrs Noble, USA
“Scenery of Dartmoor and Exmoor absolutely stunning.”
Ms Ginter, UK
“We very much enjoyed our holiday. The Devon countryside is very attractive and north Somerset no less so. We were blessed with the weather. Most days were hazy sunshine with a cool breeze – ideal walking weather. We didn’t see one drop of rain. All the taxis for transfers were reliable and accommodating.”
Mr Parsons, UK
“Exceeded my expectations. I loved it and so did my fellow walkers. On the final day Simonsbath to Lynmouth there were 39 people walking!! In the main the places you choose were very good and some were superb.”
Mrs Rivlin, UK
“We had a lovely time and most of the accommodation was very good. It was well organised on the whole.”
Mrs Mowbray, UK
“Our trip was terrific, over all!”
Mrs Woodworth, USA
“The weather overall was good, and the distances walked each day easily achievable. It was my younger son's first experience of such a holiday and he came away saying he'd be happy to do another one.”
Ms Kendall, UK
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